Lots of sixty-second Easter minute-to-win-it games kids and teens will absolutely love to play.
Looking for a hilarious Easter Minute to Win It game for kids and preteens?

These are great for youth groups, students, kids at home, etc.
Did I mention all the supplies you can get from Dollar Tree?
Easter Minute to Win It Games for Kids
Jelly beans, peeps, pastel-colored grasses, fun baskets…I just love a little bit of magic, which is what you’ll find in these silly Easter Minute to Win It games.
Hint: the timer in each photo is this one.
1. Flatten Peeps Challenge
Supplies needed: Peeps (one peep for each player), a rolling pin, a ruler/measuring tape, and a timer

Give each person a chance to see how badly they can flatten a peep, using a rolling pin.
After 60 seconds, use the ruler to measure how wide/flat they made the peep (along the longest edge).

The person who flattens/widens their peep the most, wins.
One of my favorite peeps Easter minute to win it games!
2. Easter Egg Tongs Scramble
Supplies needed: “clammed” Easter eggs (where the top and bottom are still connected), Easter candy, and a timer

Give each player their own “clammed” Easter egg and a container or Easter basket to put candy into.
Scatter a big pile of candy on a tabletop.
Set the timer for 60 seconds, and see who can scoop up the most candy into their basket using only their egg.
Kind of a fun take on Hungry, Hungry Hippo!
3. Jelly Bean Grass Hunt
Supplies needed: tongs for each player, Easter grass, a bunch of jelly beans, and a timer

Finally, another use for all that leftover Easter grass!
Gather up a bunch of Easter grass, and a bunch of jelly beans (or other hard candy about the same size.
Nest the jelly beans all throughout the Easter grass as best as you can. Make the pile of grass nice and tidy again.
Set a timer for 60 seconds, and, using tongs, see who can retrieve the most pieces of candy.
4. Kitchen Mitt Candy Color Sort
Supplies needed: a bunch of colored candies (like Skittles, jelly beans, conversation hearts, etc.), a grill mitt, little bowls/containers for each color, and a timer

Scatter a bunch of colored candies on a table. Have a small bowl or container for each.
Put a kitchen mitt or grill mitt on, and set the timer for 60 seconds. Kids have that long to see how many Skittles or other colored candies they can sort by color into each of the containers.
5. Plastic Egg Catch
Supplies need: bucket/Easter basket/sizable container, a bunch of plastic Easter eggs, and a timer

We’re giving those plastic Easter eggs another life by using them as the star in this game.
Students need to pair off. One person will hold the bucket/Easter basket on their head, and the other will lob Easter eggs into it.
After 60 seconds, the team with the most plastic eggs in the bucket wins.
6. Jelly Bean Catapult Game
Supplies needed: homemade catapult (big popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and an empty bottle cap), an Easter basket, a pile of candy, and a timer

The Easter basket is the target here.
Make the homemade catapult.
Students will spend 60 seconds either in a team (each taking turns), or individually to see how many pieces of candy they can get into the Easter basket by catapult.
7. Balloon Candy Race
Supplies needed: one balloon for each player, one piece of candy for each player, masking tape, and a timer

Set up a finish line on the floor using masking tape.
Put a piece of candy on the floor at the starting point. Give each person a balloon.
Their goal? Is to get their piece of candy over the finish line, first.
Of course, they can only move the piece of candy by blowing air into the balloon and pushing it forward that way.
After each push of air forward, they must deflate their balloon, shimmy up close to the piece of candy, and blow more air into it to move it further.
Guys – I just want to get a group of kids together and have fun doing these hilarious Easter Minute to Win It games. It would be so fun!
Amanda L. Grossman
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