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17 Best Kid Money Printables (Free Play Money for Kids)

Need some fake cash for your classroom or kids to play with? Check out these free kid money printables – some look real, some are just plain fun, and all are free.

Kid money printables can be used for so many things:

boy playing with pretend money and cash register, text overlay "17 best free play money printables"

That’s why I’ve taken the time to find the best printable play money for kids.

Below, you’ll find fun kid money printables, printable kid money that looks real, printable coins, customizable print money, and much more.

Psst: be sure to check out my article on 7 games to play with fake money.

Fun Kid Money Printables

In this section, we’re all about FUN, and CUTE.

Which means, the money doesn’t look very realistic. These can be great for preschool money printables, fun events with pretend money, holidays, etc.

Hint: if you’d like realistic-looking, printable play money? Stick around. I have a whole section on it. Also, here's my article on teaching preschoolers about money.

1. Animal Play Money

screenshot of free printable cash on paper with animals - great for preschool money printables

Get two pages of printable, animal-themed play money in denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, and $50. Itsy Bitsy fun dollars that would be great for preschool (or much more).

2. Class Playground Play Money

screenshot of school play money called class playground

Need a set of classroom reward bucks? Here's one that you could use towards the “class playground.”

Now what is the class playground?: You can have fun with this and make it personal to your own class.

For example, your class playground could be:

  • 15 minutes in the free reading area
  • Extra computer game time
  • Free-play Play Doh area
  • The Class Playground shop, where they get to exchange earned bucks for little prizes
  • etc.

Comes in $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

3. Christmas Play Money

screenshot of fake money Christmas printables for kids

Such a cuuuutttteee set of free Christmas play money you can print out from home! You could use these with Elf on the Shelf (hmmm…come to think of it, I just may do that this year for our little guy!).

4. Emoji Behavior Bucks

screenshot of emoji fake money printables for kids

Sarah created $1, $2, $3, $4, and $5 emoji bucks as rewards for behaviors with kids. She also gives you a free printable with various examples of behaviors and corresponding reward amounts.

For example:

  • Putting away groceries = $3 emoji bucks
  • Performed a kind act for others = $2 emoji bucks
  • Did all chores without complaining = $5 emoji bucks

You can make up your own equivalents, but it’s always nice to see examples!

5. Itsy Bitsy Fun Dollars

screenshot of itsy bitsy fun dollars printable

Here's some fake money for kids called itsy bitsy dollars.

6. Leprechaun Lucky Bucks

screenshot of free money printable with leprechaun theme

Here’s a cute set of leprechaun-themed, printable dollars. They come in $5, $10, and $20 denominations.

Bonus: they’re double-sided!

7. Printable Dessert-Themed Play Money

screenshot of preschool pretend money with ice cream and sweets theme

Look at this adorable set of printable play money! Comes in $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

8. Faceless Printable Money

screenshot of free printable play money with faceless characters, colorful

These are a simple, faceless, and colorful set of printable play money. You can get them in $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

Printable Kid Money (that Looks Real)

Looking for printable fake kid money that looks real?

I think when teaching kids about money, if you’re not ready to use the real stuff, then using something that looks as real as possible is the way to go.

These printables below look real because they might be the actual size of money, or be two-sided, or just really look like the green stuff.

1. Printable Play Money Coins

screenshot of pretend coins to print

These coins look quite real! Not only that, but you get to customize whether you want to print out two-sided coins or not.


Psst: here’s a really great idea for how to make play coins feel like real ones.

2. Realistic Play Money

screenshot of printable money pdf that looks real

These are, perhaps, the most real-looking set of free printable money I was able to find!

You can decide if you want to print just one printable dollar bill, or a whole sheet of each type of bill.

They go all the way up to $100 bills.

3. Realistic Printable Money

screenshot of printable fake money actual size pdf

Here’s another set of very realistic-looking money, including a set of coins on each sheet. Printable dollar bills pdf that could be great free prop money.

Hint: you’ll need to sign up for a free account with, and you’ll get a number of free downloads each month.

Customizable Printable Kid Money

These printable play money templates are customizable for your kids.

1. Design Your Own Money

screenshot of blank money that kids get to color in and design

Print these out, and let your kids color in and design their own set of play money.

2. Editable Fake Money with Child's Photo

screenshot of editable and customizable free money printable for kids

This editable fake money template lets you edit in your child's image (or yours) right in her software. Just click on the one that you want to edit, then it takes you to another page on the site where you can customize before printing.

Kid Money Printables that Include Coins

Need kid money printables that include printable coins, too?

Like printable dimes, printable nickels, printable quarters, and printable pennies?

I hear you! Most fake money printables are just the bills, but the ones below will give you pretend printable coins, too.

Psst: this lady has a great trick for how to make play coins feel like real ones.

1. Free Pretend Coin Printable Sheets

screenshot of printable pretend coin sheets

Here's a great, free resource for pretend coin printable sheets.

2. Printable Play Money Coins

screenshot of pretend coins to print

These coins look quite real! Not only that, but you get to customize whether you want to print out two-sided coins or not.


3. Realistic Printable Money

screenshot of printable fake money actual size pdf

This realistic-looking set of printable U.S. money also includes a set of printable pretend coins!

Hint: you’ll need to sign up for a free account with to download.

4. Large Print Coin Pretend Printables

screenshot of large print coin pretend printables

Looking for large print coins you can print out? These are helpful. They also include the front and back. Neat!

After you choose your favorite kid money printable, remember all the different ways you'll be able to use them — a kid's birthday party, a classroom rewards system, a chore rewards system, money management learning, etc.

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Amanda L. Grossman is a writer and Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI®), a 2017 Plutus Foundation Grant Recipient, and founder of Money Prodigy. Her money work has been featured on Experian, GoBankingRates, PT Money,, Rockstar Finance, the Houston Chronicle, and Colonial Life. Amanda is the founder and CEO of Frugal Confessions, LLC. Read more here or on LinkedIn.